The Bonk Compendium - Pithecanthropus Internetus

Bonk's Adventure
Bonk's sole arcade outing was provided by Kaneko. In this game, two players could compete and cooperate in completing 28 different levels. A stage select screen is presented after inserting coins. After every three stages cleared, players get the opportunity to pick a boss fight. This game featured many more enemies per screen than the standard Bonk game and included other strange tasks like dribbling a basketball to the goal post. Collected smileys stick to Bonk's head and bonuses result if you can keep them to the end of the stage. Bonk's Adventure - Arcade Version was the only Bonk game to include a girl Bonk character.
Players1-2 simultaneous
Memory Size12.1MB
Region Japan US and Canada Europe
Name 究極!!PC原人 - Special Arcade Version
Ultimate!! PC Caveman
Bonk's Adventure - Arcade Version B.C. Kid
Publisher(s) Kaneko Kaneko Kaneko
Release Date 1994 1994 1994

Bonk's sole arcade outing was provided by Kaneko. In this game, two players could compete and cooperate in completing 28 different levels. A stage select screen is presented after inserting coins. After every three stages cleared, players get the opportunity to pick a boss fight. This game featured many more enemies per screen than the standard Bonk game and included other strange tasks like dribbling a basketball to the goal post. Collected smileys stick to Bonk's head and bonuses result if you can keep them to the end of the stage. Bonk's Adventure - Arcade Version was the only Bonk game to include a girl Bonk character.
Japanese Title Screen
Japanese Title Screen
US Title Screen
US Title Screen
European Title Screen
European Title Screen
Head-bashing Intro
Head-bashing Intro
Best 5
Best 5
Enemies Everywhere
Enemies Everywhere
Boss Clear
Boss Clear
Basketball in Rain
Basketball in Rain